Planeta RTR

TV Channel Category: General
Broadcast format: Federal
Schedule: Round-the-clock
Channel Language: Russian
Official site Planeta RTR:
Real channel name: Россия РТР
TV channel description Russian international information TV channel. "Russia RTR" broadcasts around the clock in the CIS countries, and under the name "Planeta RTR" is broadcast to other countries. The RTR-Planeta channel allows viewers of all countries to watch the most relevant news and analytical TV programs from the capital of Russia. The main part of the channel's content is made up of news blocks from the Russia-1 TV channel and TV programs specially created for the Planeta RTR channel. They also broadcast the author's projects of the VGTRK's own reporters. In the evening, screenings of feature and documentary Russian films are held. The RTR Planeta TV channel started broadcasting in 2002.

Planeta RTR (Russia News and movie)

*** TV program guide «Planeta RTR» channel for today - 6 July

  • 05:00
    Утро России
  • 08:00
    Вести. Местное время
  • 08:20
    Местное время. Суббота
  • 08:35
    По секрету всему свету (Грузия)
  • 09:00
    Формула еды (Сливовый сок)
  • 09:25
    Пятеро на одного
  • 10:10
    Сто к одному (Команда "Союз кинематографистов" против команды "Союз композиторов")
  • 11:00
  • 11:50
    В кругу друзей
  • 12:50
    Доктор Мясников
  • 14:00
  • 14:50
    Юмор! Юмор!! Юмор!!!
  • 17:00
  • 17:50
    Привет, Андрей! (Песни БАМа)
  • 20:00
    Вести в 20:00
  • 21:00
    Три девицы
  • 00:30
  • 04:05
    Ой, мамочки