
TV Channel Category: Movies
Broadcast format: Satellite
Schedule: Round-the-clock
Channel Language: Russian
Official site Kinokomediya TV:
Real channel name: Кинокомедия
TV channel description Entertainment Russian movie channel to view Comedy films and TV series. The TV channel "Comedy" broadcasts under the slogan "Good mood every day!" Previously the channel was called "Comedy TV". To broadcast broadcast is the most popular Comedy of domestic and foreign production with translation into Russian language. Between the movies often put little humorous shows and performances by individual comedians. Also a TV channel produces shows and several TV's "the Comedians", "us", etc.

Watch the channel Komediya TV

*** TV program guide «Kinokomediya» channel for today - 7 July

  • 05:25
  • 07:00
    Порочные связи
  • 08:20
    Дом вдребезги
  • 09:50
    Чокнутый профессор
  • 11:20
    Чокнутый профессор-2: Семья Клампов
  • 13:00
  • 15:00
    Имущество с хвостом
  • 16:30
  • 18:00
    Лови момент
  • 19:30
    Трое старых друзей
  • 20:55
    Большой куш Виктора
  • 22:20
    Улетная история
  • 23:55
    Дом вдребезги
  • 01:25
    Чокнутый профессор
  • 02:55
    Незваные детки
  • 04:15